umm, I think this is the song playing next door. My next door office neighbor has the radio on and all I hear is "looownleee women make goood lovers" over and over again. I find this hysterical because up until now I have never thought about it but now I am wondering if this is true. Do lonely women make good lovers? I personally don't care. I have no plans on becoming lonely or a good lover anytime soon. It's dead around here today so I guess she turned the radio on for company. I on the other hand turned to K for company. At lunch I revealed to her that I am not actually a ho, much to her surprise, but I have only had a handful of boyfriends. I figure I will either be rewarded or punished for my lack of exploration by the time I get married. I don't really know where this blog is going but I just need to share a little piece of my day.