Today was freakin' busy. Busy in a good the-time-goes-by-fast kind of way. Still, come Monday, it's not going to be pretty. So, today after work, I'm headed to HEAT for happy hour with my fellow Moman and another friend from work. I haven't been to the HEAT in ages. I can't remember when I went last. It might have been when Kugo tricked me into ordering a "Fuzzy Nipples" from the bartender but I'm not sure. Have you ever had a bartender LAUGH at you? Sucks ass. Good times, fucking bitches, good times.
We're kinda cramming it in between other stuff which is no way to do happy hour, but hell, at least we're doing something. I'm only having one drink (I'm headed to the synagogue afterward and I don't want to show up drunk, don't 'ya know) so I'm going to splurge on an Amaretto Sour. It's my favorite drink. As a matter of fact, it was a suggestion from RR. RR worked here for a long time before he passed away a year ago. I can't say that we were close but I had some fuckin' funny memories with him. Like paging each other when a cute guy came to the front desk. Or the time he signed out at the front desk and said he was going to lunch. I asked him what he was having and in truly RR form he turned around dramatically and whispered, "Sausage!". We laughed our asses off at that. Perfect timing. I'm going to toast him tonight and have one for him. Geez, I got on here to kill time but bitch ain't movin'.
So, I'm headed home tonight after services for dinner with the significant other. Things have been a little rocky lately and actually today is the first time in almost a year that we haven't gone to temple together. But, I thought we could use the time apart. Frankly, I don't know how much longer the relationship will last. It's pretty touch and go at the moment. Anything can happen. But, whatever happens, I've vowed not to let myself get too dramatic. If I experience another break up, I know what to do and I'm not afraid. I WILL SURVIVE!! Girl, maybe I need two drinks, shit.
I love the picture and thought the first entry was pretty funny...until I read the comment, now THAT is funny. H